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Tools and Training

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Toolkit for Jobseekers

Whether you are experienced at applying for jobs, or whether you are about to start the process for the very first time, we have a range of tools on this page to support you in taking the next step on your employment journey. We also have a team of experienced Employability Mentors who are available to work alongside you in creating a personalised action plan, answer any questions you may have and signpost you to additional support and information which could help you find work.



Works4Youth deliver workshops every month all over South Glos. Watch this video to find out more



Where to start

Helping you think through what it is that you really want to do so that you can start looking in the right places.

There are so many kinds of jobs out there and so many things that it would be helpful to think about before you start looking. Questions you may want to think about may include, what type of work do you want to do? What are you good at or passionate about? What experience do you have? How far are you prepared to travel?

Why not take a look at our ‘Where to start’ video, which will help you think through where and how to start looking for the right job for you?

There are a number of online resources which can help in getting your journey towards work started. Here are some good places to begin:

Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study >>

Skills assessment | National Careers Service >>

If you would like to talk with someone who can help you get started, then do get in touch with us at Works4Youth.

Getting experience

Advice on getting the right experience in order to show employers that you’re the right person for the job.

Gaining experience is important because it can give you the edge over other applicants. Experience shows an employer that you know what you are doing, as well as showing them that you are serious about that line of work. It may be that you don’t feel like you have relevant experience for a job you’re interested in but it could be there are other things you have done, be involved in or interests and hobbies which can be used to support your application to an employer.

Watch our ‘Getting experience’ video, for some helpful tips.

If you would like to talk with someone who can help you think about gaining relevant experience or exploring other experiences you have had that could support a job application, then do get in touch with us at Works4Youth.

Where to look

Tips on where to look for jobs

Looking for a job can seem scary at times, even knowing where to look in the first place, can be confusing. There are a range of websites you can look at, places you can go and support available to help you navigate your job search by letting you set up searches and alerts, filter key words and providing templates and the option to upload your CV for employers to look at.

Why not take a look at our ‘Where to Look’ video, for some further information and tips?

If you would like to talk with someone who can help you get started, then do get in touch with us at Works4Youth.

For more information and links to some helpful websites to get yourself started with, you can also check out:

Help Getting a Job

Writing a CV

Some straightforward tips on CV writing.

Many employers will want an up-to-date CV, so it’s important that you not only have one, but you have all the right information on there that will help you stand out. A CV will show an employer your education and employment history as well as any other experience and key skills you have.

Why not take a look at our ‘Writing a CV’ video for some helpful tips.

Many job websites have example templates and tips to help you create your CV and you can find some links to these below:


CV Sections | National Careers Service >>

Example CVs | >>

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Templates (Free Download) | >>

You may find it useful to talk to someone who can help you through the process of writing a CV and Covering Letter, if so, then do get in touch with one of our Employability Mentors here at Works4Youth.

Covering letters

Advice about what to put in a covering letter

When sending a CV or job application to an employer, it’s always good to send a covering letter with it. A covering letter is a chance to let an employer know about you and why you are a good fit for the job you’re applying for. Getting these things right can make a huge difference.

Watch our video on ‘Covering Letters’, which gives you tips on what and how to write a good letter to an employer.

Applying for a job

Here we look at application forms and what to do before you apply.

Once you’ve found a job that you like and think you have the right skills for, it’s time to apply! Some employers will want a CV (see our Writing a CV section above) but others will ask you to fill in an application form. Application forms can seem a little daunting as they all look slightly different, but there are some key bits of information which will be found on all of them.

Watch our video on ‘Applying for a job’, which will help you understand a bit more about application forms and give you some tips and advice on what else you should do before applying for a job.

There are a number of other resources available online which can help give some tips for filling in an application form successfully. Click on the following links for more information:

Application forms | National Careers Service >>

Our Employability Mentors are also available and able to support you with filling in an application form, do get in touch with us for more details.

Preparing for an interview

Making sure you have done all the right preparation before the big day.

Interviews may make you feel anxious but being well prepared beforehand really helps to overcome this. Find some really good tips in our video as every little bit of advice could potentially give you the edge over the other people applying.

Watch our ‘Preparing for an interview’ video which will help you understand what needs doing in the days leading up to your interview.

Our Employability Mentors are available to support you with filling in an application form, do get in touch with us for more details.

On the day

All you need to know about how to do a good interview.

Having done the preparation in advance of the interview, as described in our ‘Preparing for an interview’ video above, we now come to the day itself.

Take a look at our ‘On the day’ video where you’ll find important information that is going to make you feel confident and make sure that you’re noticed for the right reasons.

If your interview is online, then we have an ‘Online interviews’ video in the section below to help you with that as well but everything in our ‘On the day’ video is still very important.

Our Employability Mentors are also on hand to talk you through what an interview day may look like and can provide you with some practice and helpful tips. Get in touch with us.

Online interviews

Here you’ll find some additional things to think about if you have an interview online.

With many interviews now taking place online there are a few additional things to think through that differ from a face-to-face interview.

Why not take a look at our ‘Online interviews’ video which has a lot of really important information to make sure you get everything right on the day and have thought about the difference between an online and a face-to-face interview.

Doing a presentation

Giving you tips and advice on doing a presentation at an interview both online and in person.

You may be asked to do a short presentation at an interview to help employers make their decision on a candidate. The presentation will be linked to the job role itself and require you to do some preparation beforehand.

Why not look at our ‘Doing a presentation’ video which will help you better understand what is being asked of you, help you prepare and make you feel more confident. There are some really practical tips in there.

If you would like to talk through your presentation or explore further the skills needed and simple tips and advice then do speak to one of our Employability Mentors.

Interview questions

Helping you think about what you might be asked at an interview as well as some questions you should ask and a few that you definitely shouldn’t.

Important questions:

  • Think about what questions you might get asked at an interview.

  • Be prepared to ask questions at an interview: there are good questions to ask and ones which are not good to ask.

Why not take a look at our ‘Interview questions’ video, which will help you think about this a bit more.

Many job websites have example templates and tips to help you create your CV and you can find some links to these below:

STAR technique and examples: STAR-Method.pdf ( >>

What are competency based questions? 13 Competency-Based Interview Questions and How To Prepare for the Interview | >>

Our Employability Mentors are available to help you access other online resources, shape some questions to ask at an interview, and can arrange some practice interviews for you with local employers to get yourself prepared. Get in touch.

Additional Resources

If you check out our ‘Help Getting a Job’ section, you will find a list of the top skills an employer may look for from an employee.

Help Getting a Job

For more information on growing these skills please download:

Developing Skills for the Workplace Tips

Free online training

We are able to offer a range of free courses aimed at supporting you to get job-ready and develop skills and resilience for work, these are delivered both Face-to-Face as well as online.

Upcoming courses include:

Become your own Boss!

This course will help you to identify an opportunity to become your own boss using the skills you have. It will help you to consider how you will manage your finances and where you will set up a workspace. The course is suitable for those interested in taking a change in direction and working for themselves.

Confidence Building for Work

This course will help you to develop strategies to identify your strengths and build confidence and resilience in your own abilities in the work environment. It is suitable for people wanting to refresh their skills and increase their confidence in preparation for returning to the workplace or support a change in direction.

IT Skills for the Workplace

This course will help you to set up an email address and manage an email account in a workplace setting effectively, create folders and move files around, use MS Office Word and Excel and gain confidence in using the Internet to search for information for work. It is suitable for people who want to upskill in order to return to the workplace or change direction and can help you to progress onto accredited Information Technology courses.

If you are interested in any of these, or to find out more details about the range of course we have on offer, please contact us on

As well as our own courses and workshops there are many other free training opportunities that can boost your skills and confidence. Below is a round-up of online free courses that we have included elsewhere on this site.

Future Learn

Future Learn offers hundreds of courses from ‘The Power of Podcast Storytelling’ to an Introduction to Food Science. Learn 100% online with world class universities and industry experts to develop hobbies, new skills and career-changing expertise with our flexible courses. There are free courses as well as free trials for some courses available.


Duolingo is an app and website offering flexible learning completely free. You set your own pace with bite-sized lessons to learn anything from Spanish to Vietnamese (or even Klingon!)

Google Digital Garage

Google Digital Garage offer free online courses and accreditation certificates to help you learn marketing skills to help your business or in your career. You can learn by selecting individual modules, or dive right in and take an entire course end-to-end.

Creative Youth Network

Creative Youth Network offer free creative courses to hep nurture your creative talent. Attend a taster session to see what might interest you and try your hand at something new from song writing to animation.

Building Your Resilience

Looking for a job can require a lot of resilience. In a competitive market, it is not unusual to be turned down for jobs and opportunities and it takes perseverance to keep going and find the right opportunity.

Resilience is a word you may hear a lot, but what is it?

One way to look at it, is the ability to bounce back from adversity, trouble, bad-luck or difficulties. It affects a person’s ability to learn and is also linked with social and emotional skills, personal characteristics, and mindset.

It is a process that takes time and requires several supporting skills, for instance: putting problems into perspective: reframing; putting plans into action; having a positive mindset or outlook; and communicating with others. As people build resilience it builds self-worth and confidence.

Those who practise resilience, over time become more resilient. So, when you fail or make a mistake, try to view it as an opportunity for learning, pick yourself back up and have another go. If that’s not possible, ask yourself what can be learnt from the situation or what good has or could come from it. Much of it is about viewpoint and how you think about your own mistakes.

‘Developing Resilience’ Downloadable Resources:

Please find a range of downloadable resources below, taken from our flagship Universal Learning Skills course, which you may find helpful in developing your resilience.

If you would like more information about how to use some of these tools do get in touch with us.

Off The Record in Bristol also offer a Resilience Lab. It explains what resilience is and why it is important for your mental health. It also has a handy ‘Mood Booster’ tool, offering solutions to help in this minute, when you have an hour to spare or even over a day.